Friday, June 23, 2006

The fractal nature of things

Do we all agree here about the fractal nature of the whole creation? I think that if we take this for granted, we can find out most of the solutions to our problems are already there, waiting to be noticed.

We have an issue with our cognitive processes. We are used to linear thinking, and linear thinking is no good. Not anymore at least.

Linear thinking as OPPOSITE to fractal thinking. You could also call it psychedelic thinking I guess, but let's stick to the "fractal" definition, I think it gives more the idea of what this is all about.

I really am convinced that the fractal theory can bring all theories together... yoga, tantra, Buddhism, western philosophies, you name it. The fractal has the answer. This might be what the 2012 is all about. A change in the cognitive process. The understanding of the fractal nature of ALL.

A relatively simple shift in our way of thinking, would lead to a complete de-re-construction of the way we experience reality. Our perception of the time/space dimensions would widen; time would not be seen as a straight line anymore, unfolding possibilities unknown before.
Possibly, we would notice the existence of different dimensions too.

I came to this conclusion after noticing how the fractal repeat itself in such a manner that it makes it impossible NOT to notice it. I mean, the way my body gives me signals when it is sick, the way the world gives us signals of its sickness... the way electrons revolve around the nucleus , the way planets revolve around stars... the way a a full moon cycle lasts 4 weeks, just like the women's period... moon=woman, sun=man... and everything repeating in similar ways. It is truly amazing.
The fractal has answers, we just need the right question. We just need good questions.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The mushroom

Magic mushrooms (and similar substances, like ayahuasca probably - which i've never tested myself) are a key to the understanding of the fractal around us.
Do we agree about the fractal nature of reality? Have you noticed how everything repeats with the same pattern?
The mushroom speaks to us, and gives us smart questions, the correct ones. Finding answers is difficult and probably impossible.
Good questions are also important, aren't they?
They are the solid base for a good answer.
Which we might or might not find.
I place my bet on the latter option. I doubt we are DESIGNED to understand true reality. Our mind -as it is now - is just not enough, we need something more. We have to go up a notch. Or two.
Will we ever do the evolutionary step needed to understand reality? I doubt this us well. I am certain we will upgrade ouselves though. Only, our upgrade will be a step towards truth, not the truth itself. We'll be able to see more pieces of this huge fractal mosaic - a bit like going from colour blind to a proper colour vision.
Maybe I'm just being optimistic?
I believe mushrooms have helped, are helping, and will help us. They are sacred medicines, we have to love them, understand them, speak with them. For they have plenty to say.

Monday, June 05, 2006

The internet will fullfill all prophecies... maybe?

o my god
o my god
i can see it

just a tiny step from changing it all

the internet

o my god

it's the chosen one

Crop Circles

Crop cirles. I think of them as symptoms of something happening to us/the planet.
They seem like the result of a resonance of some sort.
Are they all hoaxes? I don't know. Some are, for sure.
I would say some are not.

They are a symptom of some sort.